Sunday, August 8, 2010

Not day 1, but the start of this blog!

So, watched this movie just over a week ago that prompted me to start 90 days of celibacy. So far the general response has been, "Why?" and the answer is fairly simple. As a 29 year old woman of the 2000's, there are so many conflicting messages about how to meet a good man. (Mind you I'm not necessarily looking for The One, but someone who likes me, that I like too, to maybe just be my boyfriend!) I generally jump into the sack too soon (according to some) but all of my girlfriends who've met and married amazing men did just the same! But where I'm at is that this just isn't working for me. I've not found a nice guy who will take me fishing or call without some stalker behavior, which is so not what I'm looking for! So now I'm going to try something different at least for a while, and just see what happens! It can't hurt me right? Today is day 11 actually, and if I've counted correctly, my 90 days is October 26, 2010! I can do this right? That sounds like an awfully long time right now :( I'm starting this blog because one of my friends said that it might be interesting or amusing to others out there struggling with some of the same issues. But in this vastly large world of the Internet, I can't imagine anyone finding my little blog!

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